Monday, March 26, 2018

Who Invited the Bishops?

So, The Assault Group provides special freebie miniatures if your order exceeds a certain price threshold, and if you forget to specify which you would prefer, they just send one that seems appropriate given the other contents of your order. Since I mostly use TAG for Cossacks and Muscovites, it makes sense that I would mostly end up getting Orthodox priests. So here they are.

I decided to do some minor converting just to avoid having identical quadruplets. I just googled "russian orthodox priest" to get a sense of how the outfit might vary, I have no idea what the history or theology is behind the hat colors or whatever. The beard extensions and hat flaps are greenstuff. The staff is a plastic Persian spear bit with a blob of gs on the end, and the ikon is the end of a wooden coffee stirrer.

(the title of this post is a line from The Death of Stalin, which I recommend if you like Armando Ianucci's brand of grim satire).

Sunday, March 25, 2018


Got some TAG janissaries painted up, to use as Veteran Shot (or potentially Forlorn Hope) in Pikeman's Lament. Good models, no conversions. Probably ought to hit the faces with another wash to bring out the mustaches.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Streltsy Command WiP

A couple weeks ago I got my Ottoman and Muscovite army deals from The Assault Group, and I've been getting them ready to paint. The vast majority of them only require basing and a bit of cleaning, but there were four Soldat Pike that I really had no use for, so I converted them to Streltsy.

The Standard Bearer and Sergeant were just given appropriate weapons (and a greenstuff tassel on the halberd). The Musician uses a drum and left arm from the Wargames Factory (now Warlord-produced) WSS sprue, and bits of wire for drumsticks. The Officer had his arm repositioned and a bunch of greenstuff fur added, and I think his sword is from a plastic Celt box (can't remember which company).

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

First game of Pikeman's Lament

Unfortunately, I was too busy making sure we got the rules more-or-less right to take pictures or put together a proper report. But my opponent managed to get a nice picture at the end of the first turn.

I played the Cossack/Tatar side, and lost pretty handily. Commanded Shot aren't much good out in the open...