Friday, January 10, 2020

Trukks and Terrain

In addition to painting the trukks, I've also started to refocus on terrain. I got a foam cutter for Christmas, and since then I've bought a variety of supplies including a grass mat, a sky posterboard, and some trees.

I've also made some walls out of coffee stirrers, small bits of cut foam, and misc. bits. I'm trying to roughly match them to the GW plastic walls I got a while back, and while it's not to hard to see which is which, I'm pleased enough with the overall effect.

Friday, January 3, 2020

WiP ork trukks

Happy New Year!

Switching gears back to Space Orks, here are a couple old trukk sculpts that needed extension so they wouldn't look *completely* ridiculous. Waaagh!!!