Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Shelter-in-place landsknechts

Chicago has a shelter-in-place order, so I packed up some minis to bring over to my girlfriend's place. Not really different from previous landsknechts, just posting for the sake of posting.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Mostly minis I bought when GB first released their plastics, just rebased and touched up in some cases. Army shot only, I might pick out some favorites to highlight later, but honestly this bunch is pretty out-of-the-box.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Now with Flag

The flag is adapted from a wikipedia image of an artifact depicted the thunder god Perun. I was going to add a border, but honestly I kind of like how stark it looks without one...

Sunday, March 8, 2020

more slav elites, and the voivode

The elites are a mix of GB plastics much as before, except the lamellar armor is carved directly into the chest of Dark Age plastic figures (ouch!), instead of being taken from the Arab Heavy Cav box like last time. Also, the flag and horn guys are GB metals, the last of the purpose-built metal Slavs I got from GB. I have yet to decide on a flag for the army.

And here's the general for these guys. He's a Gripping Beast Arab, with a Warlord Games Celt head, and some greenstuff fingers and nasal piece. I figure he's an older dude who prefers to let others do the actual fighting these days, which accounts for his relatively relaxed pose and lack of body armor. He should still stand out on account of having the only helmet in the entire army though...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Slav elites and army shot

Here is the final unit of my core Early Slav force, a small group of armored infantry. There are two Gripping Beast metal Slavs, and the rest are kitbashed out of GB plastics.

And with that, my Early Slavs are basically ready to go. I really like how the limited palette approach worked out, they look quite irregular but still visually cohesive and at least moderately intimidating.

(If you're curious about army composition, I literally just looked up the DBA list for Early Slavs and then doubled the figure count. Since that totals to less than 24 pts in Lion Rampant, I then added the "Foot Knight" elite infantry to bring them up to the target.)

Monday, March 2, 2020

Slav Cav

Here are the cavalry for my Early Slavs, just straight Gripping Beast Dark Age light cavalry except for a few headswaps and a greenstuff hat.