Here are all the Swiss infantry I need for the battle of Novara. This is very nearly the entire Swiss/Milanese force; all it's missing are a unit of heavy cavalry and a small cannon + crew, and of course the flags and commanders.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Friday, January 22, 2021
Landsknechts for Novara
Aside from the artillery and flags, this is the entire landsknecht contingent I need for the battle of Novara. Combined with the crossbows from a few weeks ago and the Swiss (who you've mostly seen but will soon see a nice group pic of) I've completed all the infantry I need.
Cavalry is next, and I'm not gonna lie, I find Renaissance gendarmes pretty intimidating. At least I've got a unit of stradiots too, which can break up the gendarme slog. Then its just commanders (any recommendations?) and artillery.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Halberdiers for the Swiss
Here's the unit of halberdiers I need for Novara. Many of these are Warlord/Perry plastic mashups like I've been posting for a while now, but there's also four Assault Group minis, one Old Glory figure, and even a Games Workshop head. Probably more heavily armored than they need to be, but I like the look.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Sunday, January 3, 2021
Crowds of Crossbowmen
I've been able to get a decent amount of painting done over my holiday break, even if I haven't been particularly inspired to blog the past month or so. But here's a bunch of crossbowmen! They are a mix of Warlord and Perry plastics, and Old Glory metals. In Novara the crossbowmen were Gascons and Navarrese, but since they are on the same side as the Landsknechts I let some of them have poofy sleeves for variety. You can also see some of the terrain I've been building from Tabletop Scenics.