Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Direction; or, the Accidental Tallarn

Happy belated New Year everybody!

I spent some time back in IL, and various friends and relations have convinced me to return to Warhammer 40k. I have nearly 3000 points of Orks that need little more than paint and a few superficial repairs to return to the tabletop. And perhaps some reorganization to work well with the current goofy edition.

I will still be working on "finishing up" my historical armies, and making/acquiring terrain, but be prepared to see a lot of comically bloody-minded greenskinned hooligans on these pages as well.

So, to ease the transition from historical focus to sci-fi focus, here is an Imperial Guardsman converted from the nigh-ubiquitous Wargames Factory Persian Infantry kit. I have a bunch of IG arms left over from a batch of rough riders I converted for my brother, and they fit perfectly with the Persian's rather heroic scaling. I stuck them together pretty much on a whim (apparently 6e encourages allies?), and was pleasantly surprised to see how Tallarny he ended up looking.


  1. That is a great mix! Never even thought of it before. Might have to steal this idea myself.

    1. If you buy the Cadian arms from ebay bitz sellers and the Persians from Wargames Factory's webstore, you's looking at about $1.20 per complete guy. Whereas even the cheapest official IG figures are $2 each, and the official Tallarns are $4 each. If you like how they look, go for it!

      (I can't believe I had these bits for years before trying this. Hindsight is 20/20!)

  2. And they even have the mouthed guys to make great Rough riders also. Just toss a few helmets on some of them also and I have my new Guard army.

    1. I wonder how well the Perry brothers Mahdi range will take to the Guard treatment.

  3. Perry minis tend to be a bit more realistically scaled, so I dunno. I don't have any Mahdists, but I can throw something together with their zouaves or medievals to see how it looks.

  4. True, completely blacked that. I am thinking the FireForge mins might makes some great guard from a medievalish world.

    1. Yeah, I bet Fireforge Guardsmen would be brilliant.

      Weirdly enough, the Perry Medieval Mercenary Guardsman looks weedy and disproportionate, but the Perry Zouave Guardsman actually looks pretty good. So who knows how the Mahdist Guardsmen would look?

    2. And there Steep nomads would make great Attilan foot troops. At least until they release the mounted versions

  5. Simple but very effective conversion.
    I like it.

  6. That looks great... That's dangerous fuel on the "Hmm, maybe I could get some of the FW Tallarn roughriders..." fire.
