Saturday, March 29, 2014

Two Years of the Spoony Bardiche

Happy Bloggiversary to me!

To celebrate, here are some shots of my 17th-Century forces as they currently stand.

The Cossacks:

The Tatars:

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (German-style troops):

Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Eastern-style troops):

The pics aren't great, but they give a sense of the scale of what I've got so far. All this put together probably cost me less than one tournament-sized Warhammer army at modern prices. Historicals are cheaper, and most of these plastics were bought on sale on top of that.

I still have to make plenty of banners, paint another unit of cossack-style cavalry, assemble two units of pancerni, and of course get some terrain figured out. But I won't be purchasing any more for this project, except perhaps commanders, for quite a while.


  1. Very impressive collection - brilliant conversions and paintjob!

  2. Congratulations on two years. Your creativity has always inspired me to look for new ways to put things together.
