Saturday, May 3, 2014

Historical Mordheim

or perhaps "By Fire & Sword-heim".

The Poles use Marienburg rules (extra money at warband creation):

The Swedes use Reikland rules (better marksmen and leadership):

The Cossacks and Scots use Middenheim rules (stronger captains and champions):

A few new models here and there, but mostly you've already seen these. More warbands under construction...


  1. Hey, great idea, maybe add some civilians? I'm doing something very similar but using my hombrew game and minis in 1/72 scale.

    1. Thanks! I'm pretty sure your project is part of the inspiration for my own. I'm using Mordheim mostly because all my friends have played at least a little bit of some GW game or other.

      I do have a bunch of peasants with improvised weapons, which could be civilians even though I also might use them as "witch-hunters". No women, children or unarmed civilians though. Maybe I'll try to find some when I buy my last command figs.

  2. That's pretty cool.
    Here are some "experimental" and war bands added in supplements

    1. Ooh, very interesting. The Kislevites will be handy for Muscovites, of course. Maybe I'll use the Ostland list to differentiate the Cossacks from the Scots. Thanks for the link!

    2. I thought it might help. Hell if nothing else the Rifle stand rule is worth barrowing for what any faction that uses one.

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