Saturday, November 21, 2020

Objectives for Primavera Occulta

Here are some basic objectives for Primavera Occulta, the Renaissance skirmish game I've been posting about. I eventually plan to make some less generic ones, but these will do for early playtesting. The idea is that some objectives need to be claimed by a Mental test, others by a Physical test, and some can be claimed by either. So, if the objective is in a grave, it's purely a physical issue of digging it up to claim it. If it's a pile of treasure or an open chest, it's a mental test to sort through the trinkets and find the esoterically-valuable piece. If it's a closed chest, it's either a mental check to pick the lock or a physical one to bust it open. Not sure which of these the candelabra is, but I like how it looks.

These are all Reaper minis, except the gravestones which I believe are 4ground.

With an eye to playtesting, I've actually re-written the basic rules to use a standard 52-card deck. The extra complexity of the Tarot deck will be necessary for the campaign system and a more advanced magic system further down the line, but for playing through the basic mechanics there's no reason to restrict my potential playtester pool. And speaking of which, if you are interested in trying out these rules, let me know at thaddeus.urban[at] and put "primavera occulta" in the subject line.

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