A tabletop gaming blog, with a vague bias towards Central/Eastern Europe and the Early Modern period.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Tatars from Old Glory

 Bulking out my Crimean Tatar horde with a batch of Old Glory sculpts. Gotta say, I don't really get their whole short-sleeve jacket thing, doesn't match any other miniatures or images of Tatars that I've seen, and the full beards also seem odd, but painted up they blend in just fine with the rest of my collection.


 Size comparison with a TAG Crimean Tatar (middle), and my kitbash plastics (right):

Combined manufacturer unit:


Saturday, March 22, 2025

Boyar's Sons (Muscovite cavalry)

 Any proper Russian/Muscovite army from this period is going to have swarms of irregular feudal cavalry. I have TAG minis to represent a few units' worth but wanted to have another go at converting some. These six are made from different Gripping Beast plastic kits; one Arab Heavy Cavalry, two Goth Noble Cavalry, and three Dark Ages Cavalry. Of note, these minis include my first ever attempt at adding stirrups. All of these except the one from the Arab kit, I made stirrups from wire and greenstuff.


I am quite happy with how these turned out, I think they mix pretty well with the real thing.